We begin Sophie's erotic hypnosis session by talking with her about her previous experience with and exposure to hypnosis.
I begin the hypnotic induction process with Sophie. She is very responsive, and I introduce suggestions of a feeling of pleasure very early in the session. We move in to a progressive relaxation exercise, occasionally triggering that sensation of constantly growing pleasure.
I use Sophie's pleasure trigger 10 times, with a number after it, increasing the sensation.
I continue with the progressive relaxation exercise. I continue to suggest pleasure and arousal, giving her an orgasm trigger, but drawing out the buildup before using it. I graphically describe the sensation of having sex with me and have her imagine it as I continue to trigger her arousal. I drop her arm to test her relaxation, and then suggest that where she feels my skin touch her skin, she feels pleasure.
I finish her progressive relaxation exercise. She's very relaxed and her body language is positive. I then suddenly suggest that she's being tickled and as I continue to increase the intensity of this suggestion, I watch her response become more and more pronounced. When she finally loses her composure into a fit of giggling, I give her a ticklebutt trigger. Then as suddenly as I start it, I relax her back in to her trance. She's focused and relaxed, and then I give her a second round of the ticklebutt. I switch the tickles to pleasure and then trigger her orgasm on command. I trigger her ticklebutt mid orgasm, and then have her cum on command.
I give her a trigger that causes Sophie to embrace me as if I were her long lost lover. I tease her with a ticklebutt trigger while she embraces me. Then I trigger her orgasm, increasing in intensity by tens, and creating a special emphasis in her pleasure where she is rubbing against me. I suggest an increase in her attraction to me and give her a climax trigger. I ask her a series of questions to gauge her psychological response to what she is experiencing, and am pleased with her answers.
I have Sophie show me how she fucks. I suggest that as she shows me she feels it and that she's having the best sex of her life. I then give her a command to cause her to feel pleasure when I touch her breast. I continue to explore her internal experience of what she is feeling.
I suggest positive associations with my voice and my touch. I then have her look in to my eyes and suggest a positive response. I then ask her about what her experience has been like so far.
I give her a trigger that causes her to make animal sounds when I touch her shoulder and say a blank says. In the middle of making animal noises I have her repeat out loud and believe that obedience is pleasure. I then reward her with an orgasm. I have her make more animal noises and then trigger a massive orgasm from her.
I train Sophie to stand at attention on my command. She has a very strong bodily response to this trigger.
I have Sophie tell me about the first orgasm she ever had in her life. I then trigger the same orgasm when I touch her through her skirt.
I use Sophie's tickletbutt command, and then have her cum on command. I then suggest that she's having the best sex of her life as she rubs against me. She gets in to it, and then I tease her with her ticklebutt command again.
I have Sophie count to 30, deepening her trance. I freeze her mid count and play with her. I have her play with her breasts, imagining what it feels like when I touch her.
I suggest that her bra feels itchy. I have her experience this for a while, and then I give her a suggestion that when she tries to adjust it, it's just going to get worse. I keep her in this state of frustration for a bit, and then suggest that she wants to get it off as quickly as she can.
I give Sophie a moment of relief from her itchy bra before bringing back the sensation. This time, however, she doesn't have a bra to remove. I suggest that maybe she can shake her breasts better, before finally suggesting that my touch will make her feel better.
Sophie is in ecstasy as I touch her breasts. We learn that she has very sensitive nipples. I give her a suggestion that takes advantage of this fact, and have her tell me about her nipple sensitivity. I explore how this is affecting her, and find that it's having a very strong effect.
I have Sophie tell me every detail about the first time she masturbated. This gives us insight in to her personal sexual history. I create a stronger connection between the two of us, and give her a word for me in her mind. I then reward her with an orgasm.
I suggest that Sophie loves being in my arms. I suggest that when I snap my fingers will wake up and that I just told her the funniest joke she's ever heard. I talk with her a bit. I have her take off her shoes, and then ask her how long the session has felt. I have her describe everything that she recalls having happened.
I give Sophie a trigger to hump me on command. We explore her experience of this, and fine tune it.
Now I suggest that Sophie's panties feel itchy. After letting this build up, I suggest that she takes off her clothes as fast as she can.
I suggest that Sophie is horny. I then have her stand with her feet separated. I suggest that she is transported back to her first masturbatory experience, reliving it, but stopping short of orgasm. I relax her and then I have her describe how she feels. I tease her with the denial of her orgasm. I have her repeat the experience. I then tease her with the frustration. I bring her to a more normal state of mind and have her talk about what it's like being controlled in that way.
In the midst of frustration and orgasm denial, I give Sophie a suggestion to hallucinate a balloon. Without warning I trigger her orgasm.
I have Sophie touch her clit, feeling very connected, very present, wonderful. I have her describe how she feels. I snap her out of it, and ask her how she feels. She mentions that I keeps snapping her in and out of states of mind right before orgasm. I talk with her about the environment that we are in. I then give her suggestions relating to feeling positive about the experience. I then build up her pleasure, slowly.
Standing at attention, I suggest that Sophie is a mannequin, and I position her while in this condition. I then trigger the orgasm that she has been waiting so long for.
I do eye fixation with Sophie using my pocket watch. I talk her back in to a sleepy trance. I then give her an orgasm tingle in her toes, and slowly move them up through her body. I have her orgasm quietly, triggering the orgasmic release, laying it on very thick as she struggles to remain quiet. I do the same thing, but with tickles everywhere. I then switch it back to an orgasm at the snap of my fingers. I let her slowly emerge out of the trance for the final time of the session.